Friday, May 3, 2013

Eva at 14 months

Now that Miss Eva is nearly 15 months old, I should do her 14 month post, right?

Our biggest development is walking! I know in last month's post, I had mentioned that Eva would walk with the proper motivation. Now, it is more consistent! The week before she turned 14 months, we had a playdate at one of Ethan's classmates' homes. For some reason, Eva just walked all over the place there! I thought it was a fluke, but when we came home, she kept walking!

Her vocabulary has expanded. Her favorite words are mama, mum-mum (her word for food), dah-gee (doggy), dah-ee (dolly) and duh (duck). Eva loves going on walks because she's sure to see plenty of doggies!

We are finally into our 12 month wardrobe, but a lot of her 6 month wardrobe still fits - especially the tops!

Eva is still my good little eater, but still needs (wants?) mommy to feed her. Self feeding attempts ends up with food getting squished and/or flung on her outfit. 

I am glad the weather is FINALLY getting nicer, because now we can go on bike rides, play on the swingset and go on walks.

See you next month!
The day Eva decided to walk!
Monthly picture - I forgot to make the sign. But we are sporting our first bun - perfect for her "Future Ballerina" outfit
Monthly sibling shot
Banging on the window for ducks