Sunday, September 25, 2011

16 weeks!!!

Baby E is on the move! Well, as much as she can at the moment :) She's now really good at responding to voices, especially when I talk to her or Ethan is reading/singing. She hasn't really responded to Chris yet, but give it time...

She is doing some good growing - she's about 4.5 inches and 3.5 oz this week. Her legs are getting longer, her eyes and ears are moving to the proper spots. Her heart is pumping more and more blood!

I love you Baby E and everyone else does too - we can't wait to meet you and give you lots and lots of hugs and kisses :)

Obligatory bump shot. Bump isn't super obvious but I think I look thicker around the middle. Not bad for being nearly 4 months pregnant!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

15 weeks!!!

I can't believe I'm 15 weeks pregnant now with Baby E! In super exciting news, I started feeling Baby E move on Friday! I know it's early, but I started feeling Ethan around 18 weeks and you're supposed to be able to feel second babies earlier.

Anyways, this little girl is growing fast - she's about 4 inches long now and 2.5oz! She's getting good at breathing, her legs are growing longer than her arms and she can move all of her precious little joints now! Her eyes are fused shut, but supposedly if I shine a flashlight on my belly, it's supposed to make her move away.

I am certain she can hear us already - Ethan was super sweet and decided to "read" a big stack of Curious George books to her today and he also spent 5 minutes singing bits of all the songs he knows and she was moving quite a lot in response to her big brother's entertainment! I hope Ethan will be as sweet to Eva when she's here as he is now. I have hope :)

Here's the weekly tummy shot...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Apple Orchard time!

My latest craving is apples - it's not just a pregnancy thing though - it's a fall craving. Without fail, every fall, I crave apples!

Now that Ethan is a big boy, I decided to do something fun with him and took him to Kuiper's apple orchard out in Maple Park. We had a fun tractor ride out to the orchard (the ride itself was really short, but I'm sure it was more for the ride, than for any actual need), which Ethan loved - he waved and said hi to the tractor driver. He loved the apples and was a good boy about not picking up the apples on the ground, and only picking the apples from the tree that I told him to. Between the two of us, we ate 6 apples! After we were done apple picking, we went to the store and picked up some fudge and an apple spice donut - yum yum! Then Ethan got to sit on a tractor and play in the little play area.

We'll definitely be coming back soon and bringing Chris to reach all the good apples that were up high!

Here are the highlights from our fun day!

Waiting patiently (as patiently as a 2 year old can wait) for our tractor ride

"Ethan see tractor!"

Here comes the tractor!

Ethan's first apple orchard apple

Ethan picking his first apple - I was happy there were good apples at Ethan's height for him to pick :)

Driving a tractor like a big boy

Time to shift

One perfectly sweet boy
Growing boy!
Riding off into the sunset with an apple :)

Ethan's latest

It's been awhile since I've done an Ethan only post, so here's some of the photographic highlights from the past few weeks.
Ethan's "driving" outfit - he puts on his bunny mask from Easter on backwards and upside down and grabs the nearest hat. It's like one of those old fashioned driving outfits with the goggles!

Coffee date with mommy - don't worry, the pumpkin spice latte (or "spicy latte" as Ethan calls it) is decaf!

Someone loves their "spicy" lattes!

Ethan eating a pancake at Omega - an old favorite diner that Chris and I went to all the time when we lived in Schaumburg.

Ethan feeding a pear to the donkey at Heritage Prairie Farm, one of our favorite places to go together!

14 weeks!!!

Hello 2nd trimester :)

This week baby E is squinting, frowning, grimacing, peeing and possibly sucking her thumb. She's also getting bigger! From the top of her head to her cute little butt, she's most likely about 3.5 inches now and about 1.5oz. Her body is growing too, so she's not all head. The most exciting part is that she's moving about, but I can't feel anything yet. Anyday now though...I felt Ethan around 18 weeks, and they say second babies can be felt earlier - so pretty soon!

I am feeling much better. Haven't been nauseous since maybe mid 1st trimester and while I'm still tired, I'm not AS tired. Instead of wanting to fall asleep at my desk at work, I want to fall asleep as soon as I get home - I suppose that's a small improvement!

In good news, I only have to test my blood sugar 2x a day now (fasting and after dinner) - my OB was pleased with my levels so far and even said something along the lines of how I'm a diagnosed diabetic that isn't diabetic. Even though I failed my glucose tests, my blood sugars have been perfectly normal. Yay :)

Here's the weekly picture - I am definitely starting to show, at least Chris and I can tell. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

13 weeks!!!

I can't believe I'm already 13 weeks pregnant!

In baby development, the little one has formed fingerprints on the tiny little hands that I will love holding and is now at least 3 inches long (baby measured close to 2.5 inches one week ago) and weighs an ounce! Baby E currently has a big head - 1/3 of the body is her head. 

In random pregnancy cravings - pumpkin spice lattes! This will be a tricky one to fit in with the gestational diabetes and all, but maybe if my morning sugars are okay tomorrow, I will walk over to Starbuck's and pick one up - decaf of course!

As I come to the end of my first trimester, Chris and I can see the tiniest hint of a bump - I can't wait to be able to feel baby E move and kick around!

Here's the weekly picture: