Sunday, July 22, 2012

5 months old!

Baby girl is 5 months old now :) We've had a month full of cuddles, screeching (in a good way) and adventures.

Weight - somewhere in the neighborhood of 13lbs
Clothes - we're still wearing 3 month clothes, I think we'll get at least another month's worth out of this size
Diapers - we haven't been in disposables for over a month now - we're fulltime in cloth diapers at the moment
Sleep - still sleeping through the night :) What's the secret? Swaddling! We reswaddled her around 3 months, and since then, she's been sleeping like a champ. A few days ago we tried unswaddling her, but that was a no-go. 
Eating - Still nursing :) I like to feed her about every 3 hours (6x a day). My parents babysat last night and gave her a 4oz bottle. She drank it all, but cried the whole time (she hadn't had a bottle in over a month). We'll start solid food soon!
Likes - bath time, sitting up like a big girl, smiling, visiting people, peekaboo, hair accessories (ok, so this is a mommy thing, but with all this gorgeous hair, it's hard to resist!), shoving her fingers in her mouth
Dislikes - prolonged tummy time, not being the center of attention (hasn't changed from last month!)
New tricks - Eva learned to roll from her back to her front shortly after 4 months - in fact, these days, if you set her down on her back, she'll almost always promptly roll to her belly! She's also in the habit of barrel rolling across the family room - if I set her down while I wash dishes and come back 5 minutes later, she's half way across the room! She's also sitting independently very nicely - she can sit for several minutes, look up and down, side to side, and correct herself if she doesn't tip too far :) 

We still don't have an established nap routine, and I know I say we'll work on it, so we'll work on it! We'll also work on holding things!

And pictures :)
Pool time with Ethan
Saucer time!
Bedhead and fingers - a classic combination
a bow and fingers - yet another combination
5 months old!
Monthly sibling picture
Sitting up just like a big girl!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Red, White and Cute!

The prettiest little girl in the world wishes everyone a happy and safe 4th of July!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

4 months old!

My pretty little Eva is now 4 months old! Or technically 4.5 months old as of this blog post. She's grown so much already and her personality is shining through. She's a happy, chatty, chubby baby!

Weight - 12 pounds, 5oz (20%), I find this small because Eva looks so adorably chubby :)
Clothes - still holding strong in 3 month clothes. 6 month clothes are still too big for this little princess!
Diapers - size 2 disposeables (really should be size 1, but I don't want to buy any more disposeables since we're nearly full time in cloth) and the smallest setting for cloth
Sleep - has been sleeping through the night for over a month now - we have our last feeding around 9/9:30pm, then she goes down until 6am the next morning. Sometimes Eva will cry in the middle of the night, but we just give her a pacifier and things quiet down. We don't have much of a napping schedule yet though.
Eating - I nurse Eva every 3 hours. We don't really do bottles (average about once a month) because the nursing is going so well. Last time she had a bottle, it was 3oz, but now she's bigger, I should probably be giving her 4oz. We have not started solids yet. 
Likes - swings, smiling, shoving her fist in her mouth, mommy, Ethan, hugs, kisses
Dislikes - prolonged tummy time, not being the center of attention
New tricks - Eva FINALLY rolled over the day before her 4 month birthday! She doesn't do it super often, but I think it's because she has trouble getting her fat arm underneath her big head (which measured at the 75th percentile!). She can "sit" sometimes, and by sitting I mean she can balance herself for a few seconds. She also LOVES talking with you and will happily talk the day away!

I think this upcoming month we'll be working on the rolling, sitting and maybe establishing more of a daytime routine!

And for the best part of these monthly posts, pictures!
Pigtails! My little girly has enough hair for pigtails!
Getting better with tummy time
Monthly picture (I couldn't get this picture to flip for the blog)
Monthly sibling picture
Swinging after playing in the kiddie pool