Saturday, May 26, 2012

3 months!

I can't believe I haven't blogged in over a month! I blame Diablo 3 :P

Eva has grown so much in the past month, yet has retained all her newborn cuteness. She is awake a lot now and likes interacting with people. She is happiest when you're playing with her - if you're lucky you get a big gummy drooly smile and some cooing!

Weight - around 11 lbs
Clothes - we are finally in 3 month clothes! The newborn clothes still fit, but can be a little snug, especially with cloth diapers!
Diapers - still size 1 disposables and the smallest setting for cloth
Sleep - what a good little sleeper we have! At around 2.5 months, Eva started sleeping through the night. This isn't every night, but is often enough to spoil me when she does, and annoy me when she doesn't. She is still a good girl when I put her down in the middle of the night. None of the nurse for an hour, scream for an hour stuff Ethan put us through! We are sleeping in our crib again though!
Eating - still averaging about 3 hours between feedings and on 3oz bottles, but Eva prefers her milk fresh from mommy. So does mommy - no pump parts or bottle parts to wash!
Likes - we are starting to like bath time now she is taking baths in the bathtub and not the sink/sponge baths. LOVES being outside, playing with Ethan, ceiling fans, colorful lamps, Uncle Mohi (daddy's coworker), peekaboo!
Dislikes - tummy time, bottles, strangers
New tricks - stranger danger, or people she hasn't seen in awhile also fall into this category

getting good with tummy time!
3 months old! Girly's hair is getting looong!
monthly sibling shot - someone likes kisses!
beautiful girl with the big beautiful eyes!