Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy 16th birthday to me!

If anyone asks (sadly, nobody did), I'm 16! And I think I'll stay that way for a few decades :)

Today is my actual birthday, but Chris and I went out for dinner last night because our favorite restaurant, Niche, is not open on Sundays. It was nice getting out without the kids and having to get dressed up.

I love taking pictures of pretty food and Niche is an excellent place to do that - everything looks good and tastes good too!

Me and my eggs (so many nicknames in Chinese have to do with eggs, ie bao bei dan for precious egg, etc)
The Pink Lady - I have no alcohol tolerance anymore. Not like I had much to begin with, but after spending 4 years being pregnant/nursing, you really don't drink much!
My appetizer - crab salad and biscuits - this was seriously cute and dainty. I will have to remember this for when Eva is older and can have tea parties!
Chris's appetizer - duckopitas - a spin on spanakopitas!
My dinner - on the left is roasted cod and deep fried goat cheese on a spicy tomato sauce. On the right is roasted veggies! Fish and vegetables are healthy, right?
Chris's dinner - beef vindaloo - a fancy Indian dinner with filet and a veggie and potato medley.
My dessert - gingerbread topped with poached pear, lemon curd and honey marscapone. It was so yummy!
Chris's dessert - praline bar, chocolate and crunchy nutty goodness!

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