Weight - 15lb 10oz (12%), this is how much Ethan weighed at 6 months!
Height - I was right last month in suspecting a little growth spurt - Eva is no longer off the charts short, just short :) She is a whopping 26.5 inches (13%), which means that she's grown 2.5 inches in 3 months.
***Random note, Eva's head measured at just under 18 inches, putting it in the 88th percentile!!!
Clothes - we are still in 6 month clothes. 9 month is still big, but we can wear it sometimes depending on the outfit. We are getting tons of wear out of her 6 month wardrobe!
Diapers - smallest setting for cloth diapers still. She really has not gotten much wider!
Sleep - Still a great sleeper! The routine has not changed much from last month. She wakes up around 6am. First nap is 12:30pm (after I nurse her) until 3/3:30pm. Nap #2 is 6:30/7pm (Ethan and Eva go to bed at the same time) until whenever my bedtime is.
Eating - you name it, she'll eat it! We've started a few meats (she's a big fan of turkey and chicken) and are working on finger foods.
Likes - peekaboo, being admired :)
Dislikes - daddy when mommy's in sight, other people eating in front of her (same as last month!)
New tricks - my lazy girl is FINALLY crawling! She has lost interest in standing on her own, but will occasionally attempt to cruise. She will also walk across the room with a push toy.
And now for the best part of the monthly post...pictures!
Silly faces! |
Pretty girl and her big brother! |
"Hmm...I wonder if this is tasty!" |
"I wasn't trying to eat this!" |
"This sign is so fascinating!" |
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