Tuesday, November 27, 2012

9 months old!

I love my Eva! I am so grateful that I have been able to stay home with her to witness all these moments.

Weight - 15lb 10oz (12%), this is how much Ethan weighed at 6 months!
Height - I was right last month in suspecting a little growth spurt - Eva is no longer off the charts short, just short :) She is a whopping 26.5 inches (13%), which means that she's grown 2.5 inches in 3 months.

***Random note, Eva's head measured at just under 18 inches, putting it in the 88th percentile!!!
Clothes - we are still in 6 month clothes. 9 month is still big, but we can wear it sometimes depending on the outfit. We are getting tons of wear out of her 6 month wardrobe!
Diapers - smallest setting for cloth diapers still. She really has not gotten much wider!
Sleep - Still a great sleeper! The routine has not changed much from last month. She wakes up around 6am. First nap is 12:30pm (after I nurse her) until 3/3:30pm. Nap #2 is 6:30/7pm (Ethan and Eva go to bed at the same time) until whenever my bedtime is.

Eating - you name it, she'll eat it! We've started a few meats (she's a big fan of turkey and chicken) and are working on finger foods.
Likes - peekaboo, being admired :)
Dislikes - daddy when mommy's in sight, other people eating in front of her (same as last month!)
New tricks - my lazy girl is FINALLY crawling! She has lost interest in standing on her own, but will occasionally attempt to cruise. She will also walk across the room with a push toy.

And now for the best part of the monthly post...pictures!
Silly faces!

Pretty girl and her big brother!

"Hmm...I wonder if this is tasty!"

"I wasn't trying to eat this!"

"This sign is so fascinating!"

Sunday, November 4, 2012

8 months old!

Miss Eva is 8 months old now! We've had such a busy month with all the fall family fun and all the new things we're up to!

Weight - 15/15.5 lbs
Height - we might've gone on a mini growth spurt since our 6 month clothes are fitting really nicely now! I'm guessing 25 or 26 inches?
Clothes - we are nearly exclusively in 6 month clothes - we've put on a handful of 12 month shirts for Halloween and are wearing our 9 month jumpers
Diapers - smallest setting for cloth diapers still. 
Sleep - I am thankful for my good little sleeper. At night Eva sleeps from 9/9:30pm to 6am. We've largely established a nap schedule now - nap #1 is from 12:45 pm to 3/3:30pm. Nap #2 is from 7:15pm to whenever Mommy's bedtime is :)
Eating - we have finally found a food Eva doesn't particularly care for - asparagus. However, I just put a little bit of applesauce in it (yuck, I know) and down the hatch it goes. We've also tried blue cheese, wasabi, black bean burgers and all sorts of new combinations.
Likes - story time, snacks, books, playing games
Dislikes - daddy when mommy's in sight, other people eating in front of her
New tricks - we are almost crawling! Eva gets up on all fours and lunges forward - she can get across the room pretty quickly this way! Eva can also stand independently - sometimes she'll try and take a step, but that just ends up with a faceplant.

Here's a few more pictures to add to all the ones I've posted today!

Monthly picture :)
What happened to the age sign...
Sibling love


Getting dressed up :)

Halloween 2012

It was a cold and windy day, but we still got out for some trick or treating fun! Joining Ethan this year was Eva and our neighbor's 8 year old granddaughter Molly (who Ethan insists is his girlfriend).

Ethan faked a leg injury towards the beginning, but we did get a dozen or so houses in - half of my parents' street (same neighborhood as us, but on a cul de sac so it's safer for little ones) and a few of our neighbors. Ethan and Eva (and Molly too) got lots of yummy candy this year!

The dragon and a fairy princess

The dragon and the fairy princess with Molly the Cat!

Young love :)

Pumpkin cookie - our across the street neighbor got yummy pumpkin cookies for the kids

The Elmo side of Ethan's double sided pumpkin

The Cookie Monster side of Ethan's double sided pumpkin

Fall Fun!

I know I haven't posted in a while, but we've been busy around here! Fall is a very hectic and busy time of year for us...see below :) Halloween pictures will be in a separate post :)

October arts and crafts at Home Depot (I got a bulletin board!)
Cupcake decorating part 1 at Williams Sonoma
Cupcake decorating part 2 at Williams Sonoma
Eva with a flower
Ethan with a pumpkin
Ethan with 2 firehats!
Ethan driving the fire truck
Sibling love :)
I love this boy!
First trip to Costco
Fall musical at preschool!
Pumpkin decorating at Heritage Prairie Farm