Sunday, September 2, 2012

6 months old!

Half a year. 6 months. That is how old our Eva is now! She is such a happy, even tempered girl - this makes everyone happy. She has gotten very playful and interactive in the past month - when she plays peekaboo, she'll pull down your hand! Also, her favorite game is to knock down her stacking cups - Ethan loves to help out with this one!

Weight - 13lb, 11oz (9%)

Height - 24 in (0% - Eva is off the charts short!)
Clothes - we are FINALLY starting to grow out of some of the 3 month outfits, but they still fit okay. Eva has been wearing her 6 month wardrobe though because it's so cute, and I'm set on it getting some use!
Diapers - smallest setting for cloth diapers still. We used a size 2 disposeable a month ago when we came out from a birthday party and the diapers were blown all over the yard and had to be rewashed.
Sleep - hooray for sleeping through the night! Eva sleeps 9 pm'ish to 6 am'ish. We still don't have an established nap schedule - I'd say about 3 mini naps a day? It really depends on her mood. We are napping in the crib though!
Eating - we started solids! So far we've had rice cereal, banana, peaches, plums, strawberries, prunes, avocado, watermelon, cantaloupe, salmon, beans and I'm sure I'm leaving a few things out here! Eva is also still nursing 6 times a day :)
Likes - shoving things in her mouth, playing peekaboo, singing, being outside, smiling at the library ladies, stacking cups, wagon rides
Dislikes - being ignored
New tricks - going from sitting to her tummy, using her arms to pivot, "walking" when you hold her hands, standing while holding on to furniture, playing with toys

I don't think crawling will happen too soon - I say that because this girl loves to roll! Set her down and she's off to explore!

I think this upcoming month we'll work on not using the pacifier - right now, we only use it sometimes at night and sometimes if we go out in public.

Please enjoy the pictures.
Ethan feeding Eva some rice cereal

Wagon ride!

Shoving things in mouth

Smiley :)

6 months old already!

Monthly sibling picture :)

Puppy love - this is Annie, our neighbors' dog

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