Weight - 13lb, 11oz (9%)
Height - 24 in (0% - Eva is off the charts short!)
Clothes - we are FINALLY starting to grow out of some of the 3 month outfits, but they still fit okay. Eva has been wearing her 6 month wardrobe though because it's so cute, and I'm set on it getting some use!
Diapers - smallest setting for cloth diapers still. We used a size 2 disposeable a month ago when we came out from a birthday party and the diapers were blown all over the yard and had to be rewashed.
Sleep - hooray for sleeping through the night! Eva sleeps 9 pm'ish to 6 am'ish. We still don't have an established nap schedule - I'd say about 3 mini naps a day? It really depends on her mood. We are napping in the crib though!
Eating - we started solids! So far we've had rice cereal, banana, peaches, plums, strawberries, prunes, avocado, watermelon, cantaloupe, salmon, beans and I'm sure I'm leaving a few things out here! Eva is also still nursing 6 times a day :)
Likes - shoving things in her mouth, playing peekaboo, singing, being outside, smiling at the library ladies, stacking cups, wagon rides
Dislikes - being ignored
New tricks - going from sitting to her tummy, using her arms to pivot, "walking" when you hold her hands, standing while holding on to furniture, playing with toys
I don't think crawling will happen too soon - I say that because this girl loves to roll! Set her down and she's off to explore!
I think this upcoming month we'll work on not using the pacifier - right now, we only use it sometimes at night and sometimes if we go out in public.
Please enjoy the pictures.
Ethan feeding Eva some rice cereal |
Wagon ride! |
Shoving things in mouth |
Smiley :) |
6 months old already! |
Monthly sibling picture :) |
Puppy love - this is Annie, our neighbors' dog |
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