Monday, October 3, 2011

"No be sexy" aka waterzooi

This is going to be one of those catch all blog posts - food, French accents and of course, Ethan!

The Ethan part...Ethan is sort of going through a modesty phase lately and does not like being pantless or shirtless. If he is, he protests "no be sexy"!

The French accent team works with a French company that has a lot of native French speakers. Everytime I break something, it usually means I get to talk to a French guy. Naturally I try to break as many things as possible ;) Honestly though, the guys I work with are just seriously nice and really helpful. One time relatively recently, I had a call with one of the French guys, Julien, and Ethan was home at the time. So Ethan got to say hi to Julien and he had a good time. I mentioned how much Ethan loved accents and Julien said something along the lines of "accents are sexy". Ethan naturally replied "no be sexy!" 

The food part...Julien and I talk about food. Mostly cheese so far - we trade cheese recommendations (my favorite one so far has been pont l'eveque) and talk food in general. One day I was saying I was bored with the food I've been cooking and asked for ideas, and Julien suggested waterzooi. This is a Belgian chicken (or fish) stew. 

I found a Julia Child recipe online ( and made it for dinner last week - it was super yummy, even though I didn't have any eggs to whisk into the sauce at the end. It was a simple tasty chicken soup - thanks Julien :)

Here is a prep picture and a picture of the finished product.
Neatly julienned veggies (not sure why this photo rotated - too lazy to fix it - just turn your monitor on its side!)

Finished product!

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