Monday, July 22, 2013

Cow Appreciation Day 2013

I know Cow Appreciation Day was well over a week ago, but when you have a preschooler and a toddler (sniff, my baby is a toddler!), life just gets away from you!

For those of you that don't know, Cow Appreciation Day is where Chick Fil A (the only fast food place I got to, hehe) gives you a free meal for wearing a cow costume :) Totally worth the effort in my opinion.

Being the cheapskate that I am, I didn't want to buy a cow costume (side note - at last year's giveaway, I saw a man in full on cow costume, udders and all!) or spend too much money assembling one.

What I did manage to do was spend less than $1 - 58 cents plus tax to be exact. This does assume you have some available materials around, but even if you didn't, you should be able to assemble reasonably decent cow costumes for under $5.

Supplies Needed
-white shirt(s) - I pulled a 3-6m tank top for Eva and took one of Chris's undershirts for me (and him too)
-2 sheets of black felt (this made plenty of cow spots for both shirts)
-white yarn
-2 headbands
-2 binder clips (or safety pins)
-fabric glue or tape (I used blue painter's tape, it was the first thing I found!)

-Cut 2 skinny strips of black felt for the tails. Fold one end over and staple (or sew if you're ambitious) to make a loop. Stick a bunch of yarn through (loop in a circle), then tie off in a secure knot. Cut through the end and fluff up a bit to make the tail.
-Cut 4 ear shapes from the felt. Cut a little slit through the end of the ears and tie to the headband.
-Cut a bunch of cow spots out and tape/glue to your shirt.
-Binder clip/safety pin the tail to the back of the shirt.

Voila! You have 2 easy easy cow costumes :)

Front of the cow costume!
Look at that little tail go!
The baby cow and her mama.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Zoo Trip

Chris had the week off last week and because the weather was pretty nice, we headed to the zoo!

This was the third visit for us this year, and it was TONS of fun, as usual! Instead of seeing the usual animals (bears, big cats, dolphins), we checked out the more exotic animals. We saw lots of turtles and birds :) A lot of the animals were also really close to the fence, so I got some pretty good closeups.

During the summer, Brookfield Zoo also has a stingray exhibit, so we decided to go! Sadly, there was a summer camp group in there that was splashing and being rather obnoxious, so I ended up being the only one who got to touch a stingray. Poor Ethan - he was so excited about being able to meet Mr. Ray!

Here are the highlights:

Lion ride :)
Well, hello there
Wombat butt :)
Pygmy hippo!
Mr. Rhino
Peacock in full glory!
This gorilla was awesome - he was resting, then decided to look for a different spot to lounge, so he picked up his bedding and climbed up higher :)
My little otters :)
Buffalo on the run! They alternated between grazing peacefully and running like crazy!
Check out the gorgeous colors on this guy!
Just a really neat view of a turtle swimming
My little fruit bat
Remember that scene in the first Harry Potter movie with the huge python? This is what this reminded me of!
Ethan wanted to take a picture with the friendly bear outside the gift shop
Mr. Ray & Co
The most adorable little turtle - this little guy was crawling around and Ethan claimed it waved at him :P
Eva the Pig